As you can see by the photos below, not all pitbulls are nasty fighting dogs, and they deserve the same right-to-life as any other breed. The things I've read lately, and seen on shows such as Animal Precinct (put on by the ASPCA), and Animal Police have outraged me! These drug dealers and gamblers treat their cars better than they do their dogs...which are living creatures who would be more loyal to them, if treated right, than any person they'll ever meet.
I've owned two dogs, pictured on these pages, that were pitbull or had a lot of pitbull in their mix, and both have been the sweetest dogs I've ever encountered. Both have been great friends to my kids, have been bullied by the cat, Bonkers, that I had and didnt fight back. Hooch used to watch her as he'd walk past to make sure she wasn't about to lunge at him, and she was declawed! But she had a heck-of-a left-hook! And recently Rosie, my pomeranian, has really pushed the limits with Boo. She visciously attacks him for reasons like: "You are within 10 feet of my food dish, back off!" or "mom just got home, I get the attention first!" or sometimes for only reasons she knows. But...Boo never fights back. He is 70 lbs of muscle, she's a 13 lb little fatty-patty furball, he could kill her with one bite to the head, but he just tries to get away from her then gives me a sad look as I yell at her.
When someone visits our house, Rosie (the Pom) barks the meanest towards "the intruder", mainly out of fear, but she's the one we would worry about first. She does ok after someone's been in the house for a little while, but Boo...he's thinks anyone who comes in the door is here to play with him. He runs and grabs a toy and meets them as they come in the door with his tail wagging. When we go for walks, we've had 6-8 neighborhood kids surround us petting him as he makes the rounds licking their hands and faces and soaking up the attention!
As for aggression to dogs he doesn't know...we go to the vet or Petco for shots and exams, he wags and sniffs at the other dogs and has NEVER shown any sort of aggression towards other dogs while we're out. I dont know what the dog fighters do to get these dogs to fight, but they'd have given up on this one if they tried...he's got too much love to give!
By the way, Boo is also a front leg amputee, he only has 3 legs. If you'd like you can Read Boo's story about the day he got out the door.
Ok, on to the pics so I can show off my great pits!
Boo & Kate lounging around in bed
One of my favorite pics of them! From Dog's-Eye-View!
Any time is cuddle time!
Boo & Kate when they were little :) She used to put him in
her baby stroller and push him around the house, and he'd stay in it. Will post pic if I find it!
She held him like a baby-doll and he fell asleep....aww!
He makes a good pillow when ya don't feel good too.
This is Boo playing tug-o-war with Amanda, and Katie trying to help
by pulling on Amanda LOL...two on one and Boo still won!
Katie's friend stayed the night...but he didn't sleep alone! Boo always
has to have a pillow under his head in bed, don't you?
Go to Pitbull Page 2 to see Hooch! My old brindle pit.
See Breed Rescues or the main page of Katz Dawgs & other Critters for pitbull links and rescues and shelters. Most rescue's spend time with the dogs in their care and can tell you the temperament of a dog, and how it is around kids and other pets before you adopt.
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